KC Regional Alliance is focused on issues that affect the community and the housing industry. From time to time we host events and intiatives around hsouing, rental assistance, eviction prevention and our annual career fair. We send out a few emails from time to time to announce issues and events. To make sure you stay informed, please take our 3 …
Author: kcmohomebuyer
Judge Rules CDC Eviction Ban UnConstitutional
A federal judge in Texas ruled on Thursday that an order from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) temporarily halting evictions amid the pandemic is unconstitutional. In a 21-page ruling, U.S. District Judge John Barker sided with a group of landlords and property managers who alleged in a lawsuit that the CDC’s eviction moratorium exceeded the federal government’s constitutional …
Just Average Everyday People, Struggling.
BACK RENTFEB. 23, 2021 The Other Side of Rent Debt: Five Small-Time Landlords Who Are Stuck “The building will still be standing, but I won’t be.” Being played out across the country, these stories of 5 everyday people who happen to own rental property in New York show that without “meaningful support, small landlords are scrambling to bridge the gap.” …
City of Kansas City Missouri Public Budget Hearings
Please join us to provide your feedback on next year’s budget.The Proposed Budget is posted at www.KCMO.gov/Budget Lend Your Voice! It’s that time of year again. The FY 2021-22 Budget was submitted Feb 11th and will be adopted March 25th. Attendees will have the chance to hear from the Mayor and the City Council, and will also receive an overview …
KCMO’s Landlord / Tenant University January 2021
KC Regional Housing Alliance partners with Kansas City Missouri’s Landlord Tenant University for the January 2021 Training discussing the relationship between housing providers and renters
210055 Removed from Agenda for 1/27 Committee Meeting
**** POStPONED ***** The committee chair has just confirmed with me that Ordinance #2100055 has been held off the docket today. I’ll let you know when (and if) it is rescheduled. In the meantime, I’ll say Great Job in sending in testimony and participating in the call to action! You may want to tune in to the city’s YouTube channel …
Attend Meeting about Ordinance No 210055
How to Attend Wednesday’s Meeting Wednesday, January 27th, 2021 at 4pm In person at City Hall on the 26th Floor in the Council Chamber, but we are not 100% sure if you can get in and if you do, you will need to wear a mask and social distance. Attend Via Zoomhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/84530222968 We are asking everyone who can, to log …
Vote NO on KCMO Proposed Ordinance No. 210055
Ordinance #210055, an ordinance that is punitive towards housing providers, is sponsored by KCMO City Council Members Kathryn Shields, Melissa Robinson, Ryana Parks-Shaw, Andrea Bough and Mayor Quinton Lucas. They are proposing a mandate that forces housing providers to rent to tenants with bad credit to keep them from being homeless during the pandemic. By simply inquiring & learning about past evictions, judgments …
We Support Ordinance No. 210067
This Ordinance estimates revenue and appropriates funds in the amount of $14,814,859.50 in the General Grants Fund for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program from the U.S. Department of the Treasury to assist households that are unable to pay rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and authorizing the Director of Neighborhoods and Housing Services Department to execute contracts for …
Proposal: High-Risk Rent Guarantee Program
This program offers a housing provider security if they take a chance with a high-risk renter suffering as a result of the impact of COVID-19. The Problem High-risk tenants affected by COVID-19 and it’s impact, may have difficulty finding quality housing because many Housing Providers cannot justify the risk that renting to them represents with an eviction or judgment against …