Call to Action: Source of Income Ban in KCMO Ordinance #231019

Take action on Kansas City Missouri Ordinance #231019 the Source of Income Discrimination Ban

AGENDASpecial Committee for Legal Review Chairperson Quinton LucasVice Chair Melissa RobinsonCouncil Member Andrea Bough Agenda Agenda Packet Tuesday, December 12th, 2023 1:00 PM 26th Floor, Council Chamber414 E 12th Street, Kansas City, MissouriParking on Oak PUBLIC OBSERVANCE OF MEETINGSThe public can observe this meeting at the links provided below.Applicants and citizens wishing to participate have the option of attending in person …

KCMO #220276 RE: Tents & Loitering

Neighbors: Do you want tent encampments in your neighborhood, or in front of your business? With no sanitation or security, it is unsafe for everyone. Tell the Council TODAY! Click below to tell councilmembers to Vote NO on proposed ordinance #220276 when they meet on Wednesday, 4/20 during the KCMO Finance Committee at 10:30 am Ordinance #220276 is currently being discussed by …

Attend Meeting about Ordinance No 210055

How to Attend Wednesday’s Meeting Wednesday, January 27th, 2021 at 4pm In person at City Hall on the 26th Floor in the Council Chamber, but we are not 100% sure if you can get in and if you do, you will need to wear a mask and social distance. Attend Via Zoom We are asking everyone who can, to log …

Vote NO on KCMO Proposed Ordinance No. 210055

Ordinance #210055, an ordinance that is punitive towards housing providers, is sponsored by KCMO City Council Members Kathryn Shields, Melissa Robinson, Ryana Parks-Shaw, Andrea Bough and Mayor Quinton Lucas. They are proposing a mandate that forces housing providers to rent to tenants with bad credit to keep them from being homeless during the pandemic. By simply inquiring & learning about past evictions, judgments …

We Support Ordinance No. 210067

This Ordinance estimates revenue and appropriates funds in the amount of $14,814,859.50 in the General Grants Fund for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program from the U.S. Department of the Treasury to assist households that are unable to pay rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and authorizing the Director of Neighborhoods and Housing Services Department to execute contracts for …