Stay Informed & Get Involved

KC Regional Alliance is focused on issues that affect the community and the housing industry. From time to time we host events and intiatives around hsouing, rental assistance, eviction prevention and our annual career fair. We send out a few emails from time to time to announce issues and events. To make sure you stay informed, please take our 3 …

Attend Meeting about Ordinance No 210055

How to Attend Wednesday’s Meeting Wednesday, January 27th, 2021 at 4pm In person at City Hall on the 26th Floor in the Council Chamber, but we are not 100% sure if you can get in and if you do, you will need to wear a mask and social distance. Attend Via Zoom We are asking everyone who can, to log …

Emergency Rental Assistance Agencies

There is still funding available in Kansas City Missouri to help pay rent, utilities and other needs. We spoke with Tiffany Drummer, the Tenant Advisor with Kansas City’s Neighborhoods and Housing Services and she shared that there were many programs still with funding available. She shared that if any of the following programs tell you they are out of funding, …